This morning 23 inmates received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. O how humbling to see men receive Jesus as their great Shepherd. O Lord, what is man, that You are so mindful of him and his concerns! That You so care for his welfare and his life! May I always obey Your commandments with cheerfulness!
Message Summary:
How fearfully do the greatest of men stumble and fall, if the Lord uphold them not mightily! Ask Jesus to change you today. He can change your heart, He can give you a new heart today and forgive your sins and save you. My brothers we need Christ in our lives. He is all you will ever need. He is a bed of rest, and a source of comfort. He is the distinguished favorite of Heaven. Today you must be honest with yourselves, do you have Christ in your lives? Do you know Him? Are your sins forgiven? Have you made Him Lord of your life? How ready and cheerful ought our obedience to be, when God plainly calls and powerfully encourages us to it! You must make a choice today, a choice that involves eternity. You can either choose to turn your back on Christ, and go to hell! or you can receive Jesus today, have your sins forgiven, be filled with His Spirit, have hope for the future, be changed into His image, and go to Heaven. What will you choose today, Christ Jesus, or sin? Life, or death? Heaven, or hell? I chose Jesus seventeen years ago, and I have never regretted giving my life to him. I know I’m going to Heaven. I know my sins are forgiven. I have hope! God loves you. He desires to save you. For those who want to repent of your sins, and receive Jesus, pray this prayer with me. Jesus, I need you. Forgive me my sins. I believe in my heart that you rose from the dead, and with my mouth I confess that You are Lord.