Friday morning we gathered with the men of 555. These men are different! There motto is “Our Story. God’s Glory” It was very cold. Nevertheless approximately forty men attended this meeting.
Message Summary:
When we don’t have the answers to our problems, There is always an answer. His Name is Jesus. God will always deliver us from satans grasp. God’s eyes are upon us. He is always looking for an opportunity to show Himself strong on our behalf. Its about time, that we let satan know, that we know that he knows, that greater is HE that is in us, than he that is in the world. If we arm ourselves with this truth, we won’t need to look to ourselves for help as satan battles us. We can rely on Jesus for our victory and deliverence from satans grasp. Then, we can be the sons God expects us to be. We can enter into the place of spiritual maturity. We can stand against the powers of darkness and be overcomers in Jesus. Then we can do what God expects of us. We can love each other with His love. Be there for eachother. Be kind to one another. Pray for the broken. Oh how wonderful, that we can remind satan, and ourselves that Jesus is greater than any other.