ASLA Community Hall

During the month of July 2009 William Austen  Ministries booked the Community hall for every Saturday, 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th. The theme is:“THERE IS HOPE” TITUS 2:13 “Looking for that blessed hope, and glorious appearing of The Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ”

What a theatre of disappointments and sorrows has sin caused in our world! Every moment of every day the seed of the serpent fights furiously against Jesus and His Bride. But God will deliver His Children, and the enemies of God will at last be cast into hell with terrifying disappointment and destruction. The curse of God will be theirs with all their plans and attempts!

Our hearts where overwhelmed with joy as God created the opportunity for the children of Asla to receive Him as their personal Saviour. The children ran to the stage. Praise God! Marvellous and indescribable are Your Ways Lord Jesus! Glory and Honour and Power be unto You! Amen!