Great is the kindness of God in supporting, and directing, both children and adults to Jesus. How easily God can draw to Him the souls of men. We saw and experienced how God saved more than 400 souls as they stood from their chairs and came to the front giving themselves to Jesus. I want to thank the principal of Barrydale High, Mr. Roy Auret, for giving us the opportunity to serve the community of Barrydale on the school’s rugby field. He has got such a huge heart for the learners, his fellow teachers, and the community. What a role model in our education system! God bless you.
Message summary:
(Matthew 26:36-46) I want us to picture Jesus on that night in the garden of Gethsemane. He says to His disciples; “My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.” Jesus asks them to watch with Him and walks about a stone throw from them and falls on His face and prays; “O, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not My will be done, but always Yours be done.” Jesus knew what sort of cup He was about to drink and it brought Him to a place where His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. The suffering which lay ahead of Him which He was to endure in our place, brought Jesus to His knees and asked if it were at all possible to save you and me some other way. Jesus could see the soldiers who would whip Him until His flesh was ripped to shreds. He knew His beard would be plucked out and that a crown of thorns would be hit into His head. He knew that all would demand His blood and have Him nailed to that cross to suffer the most horrible death imaginable. So Jesus, from that place, in that dark garden, where His soul was exceeding sorrowful unto death, humbly asks His Father to remove that awful cup. But God says, “it has to be this way Son, there is no other way. I want to show the world how much I love them, that I give My Only Son.” My heart breaks knowing that it was because of me, my sins, that Jesus was nailed to that cross. The Bible says Jesus was made to be sin for us, He who knew no sin. He had never known sin, but He was made to be sin. He was killed in our place that we may live! The Bible says there is no other name under heaven by which man can be saved but by the Name of Jesus. He drank that cup on our behalf. And today you can stand up from that dark garden you are in, and you can ask God to remove that cup of depression, of loneliness, that cup of fear, and that dreadful cup of sin, and death, you can give that cup back to Him. Praise God. My dear friends, if you call upon Jesus today if you give yourself to Jesus today if you repent of your sins, then you will be forgiven of all sin, and you will live with Him throughout eternity. He is waiting for you today. Come to Jesus right now!