Baruch PPK Church.

Pastor Hennie from the Baruch PPK Church in B.West, invited William to come minister in the local Schools, Prison, and in the Church he Shepherds. They treated us like Kings. Thank you.

Message Summary: (God’s healing centre the Church)

God has placed in your hands the keys to effectively witness for Him. It is His desire for each one of His children to have a supernatural Holy Spirit empowered anointing to meet the needs of others. God means for the church of Jesus Christ, to be His healing centre. Jesus said: My house shall be called a house of prayer. When Jesus went into the temple in Mark 11:15-17, He saw something very parallel to our mode of church worship today. He found people who displayed a form of godliness, but denied the power thereof. Jesus was saying:  let us get the rituals out of my Father’s house. Let’s get out the things that are wasting time out of God’s House. This is not a den of thieves, but a house of prayer. It is a place of intercession, where the people’s needs must be met by the supernatural Power of The living God.

How blessed are you Baruch, that God has placed you in a church, where the sick, the needy, the unsaved can be brought and their needs met. I praise God that in this church, salvation and healing is taking place. I thank Him that souls are being saved. Sick bodies are being healed and the bondages of people are being broken.  Go out into the highways and byways, and bring the sick, bring the lame, bring the broken hearted into this house of God.