God has opened a door for us for to minister the Word of God to the grade six and seven learner’s of Steilhoogte school every Wednesday morning.
These children are precious to our Father and I thank God that I can build a relationship with them. When the question was asked who wants to commit their lives to Jesus all the hands went up.
We also had the opportunity to hand out Bibles to those who did not have one.
Message Summary:
I am looking forward to doing the Bible School with you all and I am grateful that I may share the Word of God with you. Today I would like to tell you that God loves each one of you so much that He gave His only begotten Son to lay down His life so that you can be saved. What a terrible thing must sin be that the only way it could be dealt with was that God had to become flesh and die on that cross. You are precious to God and He desires to have a relationship with you. With Jesus in your life you can be sure that sin will not rule you. God has great things planned for those who belong to Him. Choose to make Jesus part of your life and you will not be overcome by evil. Commit to having a relationship with Him. Read your Bibles.