Crusade: Jesus is my Saviour

O, the presence of God is a beautiful thing. The love of God is beyond words. The two day Crusade ended with God revealing His Father’s heart. Thirteen souls were saved and the Holy Spirit was poured out. Broken hearts were mended. Hope was given. And ultimately God was worshipped and magnified in that tent.
We are all humbled to have had the honor of seeing signs and wonders take place by the working of the Holy Spirit. We had a small revival at Steilhoogte over the weekend weekend.

Message Summary:

There is a highway called the Holy way. No unclean shall walk upon it. Only the redeemed of God. And on this road is the Lord Himself. Only the child of God can tread thereon. God is calling you to repentance. He desires to save your soul and fill you with His Spirit. Come take the water of life freely. Give your life to Jesus today.