I had the high honor of sharing the Word of God with the men of the TGIF men group in Durbanville. It was so humbling been with my brothers again. When we arrived at the venue they had a gift for our ministry. They blessed us with one hundred and six Bibles. English, Afrikaans and Xhosa translations. God is so good and faithful.
Message Summary:
I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2
These are uncertain times we are living in. This we can see in political uprising, racial hatred, murders, drug dealings, covid 19, abortions, human trafficking, gangsterism, false prophets, rumors of wars and the list goes on. The world is in darkness. Nations are trembling and have no answers.
Then many are also battling with personal problems, some marriages are falling apart, financial pressures, depression, fear, doubt and the like. We can say that the world is falling apart.
My friends, If you are in a troubled and anxious state of mind – a mind that asks, Where shall I look for help? The answer is: Our help comes from Jesus and His almighty heavenly Father. This is the answer we need to believe in, that our help can come only from God; No matter what you may be facing, no matter how big the mountain and problem is in your life, Child of God your help comes from the Lord God Almighty. Do not trust in men or in horses and chariots, keep your eyes upon God for all your assistance.
Yes, blessed Savior, our help is indeed from Thee! My brothers we must lift up our eyes to Jesus to Him seated in power and glory who is seated on the right hand of the Father. Our help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. The oceans, the mountains the sun and moon and galaxies all declare what a powerful upholder and protector we have. God almighty is on our side.
Look to Jesus my brothers. Do not lose heart. Your help certainly comes from Him. Fear Not! Do not give up!