Dutch Reformed Church, Celebration Service; Vredendal.

On Sunday evening  2013-08-11 the D.R.C Vredendal celebrated their 40 days of purpose driven love. Opportunity was given for members of the church to give personal testimonies on God’s love in their lives and of the power of forgiveness. The celebration was co arranged with Annemarie from Radio Namaqualand who had just recently interviewed William on air, and invited Him as speaker to the event. She wanted William to come share what God has been doing in his life since He saved him.

Message Summary:

EPHESIANS 3:20 Now to Him Who, by the power that is at work within us, is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we ask or think.

During those dark years of my life as an addict, every morning I would wake up, lost, paranoid, and desperate for the next fix. I would wake up with feelings of shame and dirt hanging over me. Finally at the gates of hell, the closest I have ever been to hell, at the brink of suicide, God created the opportunity for me call upon The Name of Jesus Christ, and Jesus saved my soul. A few weeks later by the mercies of God, I was baptised and received The Holy Spirit. When I met Jesus, six and a half years ago, I never could have imagined that God had planned for me the life He now allows me to live.  I could sense that God was doing something inside of me. That God Himself was cleansing me from the remaining corruption. That God was very serious about me not remaining in sin and darkness. That God had a plan to for me to walk in the light with Him, as is His desire for you, His children, His church, and bride. To come out of the world, and live a righteous and holy life, a life free from sin. But so the devil came with all his lies; “you are just a washout and an addict. You are going to use drugs again. You will always use drugs. Do you really think it is possible to never lie again? Never drink again? ” I know satan is fighting you with the same strategy, not because of who you are, but because of what God is transforming you into. He is throwing those old lies he has been telling the church for thousands of years, “you are just human, you will sin, you humans are sinners, and you people will sin. It is impossible for you not to! You know you can never stop smoking that cigarette, never stop drinking the wine” And suddenly we realize that this old liar is telling a half truth. Yes we will always fall short, we will always be overcome by sin, we will steal and lie, commit adultery, love the things of the world more than the things of God, IF, and only IF, we do life in our own strength! But with the Almighty power of God working within us, the same miracle working Power that raised Jesus from the dead, with that power, with God’s power, we can walk away from sin. We can take our place as overcomers. We can be a Holy, sanctified, spotless, righteous, absolutely pure bride and church of God. A Royal priest hood, a chosen generation, a peculiar people, a people set apart for God to work in and work through. God has got greatness planned for us. Greatness planned for you. I want to tell you that with God all things are possible. I can stand here before God, heaven and you the church of God and honestly tell you, that today I don’t  smoke a cigarette. By God’s mercy, I don’t steal from people any more, I don’t use liquor, or drugs. Yes, I make mistakes, and there is still much work to be done in me, but I allow God to complete the work. I work with God and not against him. You see, it is the principle point of our Christian faith, that if anyone be born of God, an entire transformation takes place in that individual. That person hungers and thirsts after righteousness. That person hungers to do God’s will. The Bible says: “Behold all things have become new” and again it is written; “I am crucified with Christ, yet I live, but not I, but Christ lives in me”. Yes, God can do far more than we can think or ask. He has empowered us to win the battle over sin. There is no excuse any more. That is the work of the cross. It is the Power of God. And so, each one of us can run our race and press on to receive the prize to which God in Christ is calling us heavenward. Don’t believe the lies of the devil. We can live a life free from sin; it begins with us, and begins today. We can be dedicated to loving Jesus and serving Him. From glory to glory. Into the image and likeness of God’s own Son Jesus Christ.