This morning the Spirit of God changed lives, saved souls, brought hope, and healing, as we ministered to the sick and the homeless.
Message Summary:
“Be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Phillipians 4:6
Whatever difficulties, wants, dangers have and may befall you, relating to this present world, never perplex yourselves with anxious, distrustful, and distracting cares about them, how you shall be able to avoid, bear up under, or get through them. But in every time, circumstance, or matter, in the firm faith of God’s promises, and with humble pleadings, and with thanks giving for mercies recieved or promised, lay your whole case before God as your reconciled Father in Christ, that as the hearer of prayer, He may give you whatever help, comfort, deliverance, or blessings are for your real advantage. Commit to Jesus today and have your soul saved, your sins forgiven, and be at the most excellent peace with God.