We hosted a two day Crusade on the 2nd and 3rd of October 2021 for a second time in the Karoo Vlakte. The crusade was a huge success as God was worshiped, souls were saved, broken hearts were mended, sins were forgiven and the sick were healed. People arrived in a truck and I was humbled to see how desperate they were for the word of God. I had the honor of serving with two wonderful men of God.
Message Summary :
Jesus said in John 6 that He is the bread of life and that whoever eats of that bread will never die. Today you must choose to either partake of the world or partake of Jesus. Allow me to introduce you this Jesus who you MUST choose. Jesus asked Apostle Peter in the book of Matthew “Who do you say I am?” And today I am asking you the same question, “Who is Jesus to you?” To me He is the Most high. The great I am. The King of kings. The Creator. The everlasting Father. The creator full of mercy and grace. The one who was dead but now lives. The All-powerful God of heaven and earth. The one who defeated the enemy and broke the power of sin. The one who is so huge the entire universe can’t contain Him. The Lord of lord’s. God Almighty. The one who raises the dead and heals the sick. Our Messiah. Our salvation. Our rock and fortress. The one who is above all power, every kingdom and every name that can be named. The one who rules heaven and who leads the armies of heaven. It is He who has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven and who is coming soon to take us to where He is. He is coming on the clouds and will reward each man as his work shall be. The One who gives us His angels to protect us and gives us His Spirit to lead us and empower us. He is the mighty God of Israel who is worshiped by the angels and who is seated on the right hand of God. He has eyes like flames of fire and feet of shining brass. He has the seven spirits of God and the sharp two-edged sword.
Stop for a moment, think of all the power Jesus possesses. This is the God you will choose today. Only He can save your soul. Cars, money, friends, religion, alcohol, drugs, possessions, idols, nothing can save you except Jesus.