Kingsway College Grabouw

How beautiful to look upon the undefiled. These children were all just so precious. Being there on a Friday morning was the highlight of the week.

Message Summary:

Do you know that you are more precious to Jesus than all the gold and diamonds of earth put together. Jesus wants you to know that He cares for you and that He is always close to you. When you are afraid, you can know that Jesus is with you to protect you. When you are being bullied, take your concerns to Jesus. When there is trouble in your homes, take your concerns to Jesus.  Remeber, Jesus has all the power in this world to help you. All the power in this world to protect you and to give you a good future.  Young boys, it might look “cool” smoking ciggarettes and destroying your body which is the Temple of God, its not “cool”.  Being disrespectful to your parents might seem “cool”, its not. That kind of behavior does not please God. Young girls, I believe that God has a very special place in His heart for you. Whatever breaks your precious hearts, know that Jesus desires to mend them. Trust Jesus for all your needs. Trust Jesus to be the Friend that will never fail you.