[WAC] Walking Along Christ, Youth group invited William to their group in The Gants Centre in Strand on Friday evening the 1st of November.
Message Summary:
Gathering on a Friday evening in a Church building to meet with God and fellowship with each other says much about your relationship with Jesus. This world offers so much on Friday nights, but you choose to rather receive what Jesus offers. Bless you. Tonight I bring you Word from 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8. This message is not popular, but it is the Will of God for your lives. Verse three reads, “For this is the Will of God, that you should be consecrated (separated and set apart for pure and holy living); that you should abstain and shrink from all sexual vice”. And verse eight says; “ Therefore whoever disregards (sets aside and rejects this) disregards not man but God, Whose [very] spirit [Whom] He gives to you is holy (chaste, pure)”. In your strength this is impossible. But with the power that lives in you, God’s power, God’s very own Spirit who dwells in you, by His power, you can live this life that God requires of you. You can live a holy and pure and blameless life before God. Don’t listen to the lies of those who say that it is impossible to live a life of holiness. We can, in Jesus Name and in Jesus’ strength. God is in you. God governs you not the devil. Jesus has called us to holiness, and because He is holy, His Spirit will make and keep you holy. The Will of God is very straight forward; Verse seven says; “For God has not called us to impurity but to consecration [to dedicate ourselves to the most thorough purity]. God loves you, and HE has a desire burning in His heart, that desire is for you to be one with Him. He says, “Be Holy, for I AM Holy.” You see, it is His Holiness that makes us holy. Remain in Him, and you will remain pure and holy. Resist the devil! Stay away from sensual pleasures of this world, just as you have chosen to do tonight. God is well pleased with you. Stay close to Him. In fact, remain in Him, and He will remain in you.