Macassar High School.

As we drove towards Macassar High, the newspaper headlines in the local newspaper read: “gangsters  target  teenagers” and “TIK addict cuts his girlfriends face into shreds” these advertisements were attached to lamp poles right next to the schoolyard. Again it became clear to me how our youth are targeted by the devil. But GOD is so good, this morning seven hundred children in Macassar High called upon the Name of JESUS and were saved.

Message Summary:

Good morning you precious, precious young men and woman. This morning I would like to remind you that JESUS is alive and that HE loves each one of you as HIS very own children. HE has called every one of you by your name. He knows you personally. He knows the number of hair on your head. We are here this morning to invite you to take hold of JESUS’ love.  The more I see the headlines in the paper, the more I know that JESUS is raising a standard against the enemy. You see, as young people with your whole life ahead of you, it is the Will of GOD to protect you from satan and his disciples. We are living in exciting times.  JESUS is calling the youth of this world with a Heavenly calling. Calling each one of you with a High calling to rise up as mighty warriors, as a chosen generation and a royal priesthood to destroy the works of the devil. Don’t think because you are young that you are insignificant. GOD has got business with you. HE desires for you to make a life changing decision. GOD wants you to believe in HIS SON JESUS and to be saved.

No matter what you could have done wrong over the weekend, or in your entire life, this morning you can put it behind you and start this day off anew with JESUS. The devil hates you and he has one objective and that is to destroy your life. But the Bible says in Romans 10:13, ‘For everyone who calls upon The Name of The LORD [invoking Him as LORD] will be saved.’