Four hundred learners humbly submitted to, and held fellowship with God as they stood to their feet uttering the name of Jesus several times. O what a beautiful sound! What a Godly moment! After the Gospel was shared and prayer was done, time was given for learners to come out for prayer. Seven precious souls came forward and said they wanted to receive Jesus. They believed in Jesus’ Word, Spirit, and Blood, and humbly bewailed and repented of their sinfulness. It was also an honour to have had Coenie Pretorius start his journey with Revival Now ministry.
Message Summary:
Jesus loves you. He wants the very best for you. He wants to give you a good future. He wants to heal your heart. He wants to protect you from evil. Mostly, He wants to save your soul. Without Him life is filled with sorrow, misery, and failure. While you are young choose Jesus to be part of your life. Make the right choice. Choose Him! He is the only way to the Father. He is the only door to eternal life. O the great things He has in store for those who love Him. We need His strength to endure, we need His strength to have victory over the temptations of satan. Let us call upon the Name of Jesus.