Outreach at Paarl Hospital

How great is the Mercy of God! He gives hope, brings healing to the soul, and opens our eyes to the truth of the gospel. This morning, I met with resistance from the hospital security. They were doing everything to silence me, and attempted to strike fear in my heart by chasing me away. But fear has no hold on me anymore. I continued to preach to the sick, and souls were saved.

Message Summary:

My friends, great is Jesus, who makes diseases, storms, and devils, obey Him at His pleasure! He has sympathy and compassion on you this morning. He takes the greatest delight in strengthening your faith and gathering you to Himself. O, He knows your hurt, fear, concern, and He knows what it will take to save you from misery and eternal ruin. Thats why He went to the cross, to save you, to heal you, to give you the wonderful enjoyments of heaven. Give your lives to God today! He will do the rest. Only trust Him for your complete healing and salvation