This morning we had the honor of meeting with the inmates of Paardeberg prison once more. As always we visit and share ideas and hear their hearts, whereafter we share the gospel. Once we were done two prisoners gave their testimonies of how God had changed their lives since we had been ministering to them. I gladly share the following.
Inmate one:
I was in a sell where I was been mocked by the other prisoners when I prayed and spoke to the Holy Spirit. By God’s grace I was finally moved to another sell where we are only eight inmates. Five of these men are constantly reading the Word of God and we have wonderful fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The other day I went to see the psychiatrist and she said to me, “Why are you looking so good, what has happened in your life?” and I answered her it is Jesus, by His grace I am in another sell where I have the freedom to seek His face. God is so good you know?
Inmate two:
I have only been attending your meetings for a few months and God has changed me. I can’t wait for Tuesdays and Thursdays to come hear what you have to share. I know you are only the vessels but I want to thank you for making yourselves available to visit us. I am finished with gangsterism and I don’t “sabela” (gang language) anymore. God has done something in my heart and I know there is a calling on my life.