Parys Prison

Sunday morning, a great miracle took place; God opened a door for me to minister at Parys prison. Sixteen years ago, at this very prison, my prison sentence began. And sixteen years later, God brings me to the very place that broke me, to bring hope to those between those walls. Four prisoners who served with me, were still serving time. It broke my heart seeing them there. I just realised once again how merciful God has been to me. In 1997 when I began my sentence, my son was three months old, as you know, I lost both him and my previous wife. And here I was, in the very prison that took everything from me, standing between the same walls, not as a broken man, but as a child of God, healed! In my heart I was crying and worshiping God at the same time. I stood there, very aware of what HE has done for me. Bringing me back, not as broken, but blessed. The prison warders knew me, the prisoners knew me, and they could all identify what Jesus had done in my life. They accepted Jesus!

Message Summary:

Commit to Jesus, and He will save you! He loves you. He desires to be part of your life. Friends, with God all things are possible!