Blessed indeed are those inmates who have made Jesus their Lord! How happy they are when they hear His word, and are led into familiar intimacy with Him. Between those cold walls the Spirit of God warms their hearts and restores their souls.
Message Summary:
In Genesis 15:5, God brought Abraham out of his tent at night and said, “Look now toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to number them.” And He said unto him, “So shall your offspring be.” Even though Abraham couldnt comprehend how this would be possible, he believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. What about you today, are you believing God for the promises He has spoken to you? For those of you who have given your lives to Christ, you must believe God that you are going to heaven. You must believe that God is with you every moment inside this prison. You must believe that He is in control of your future. He promises in His word that He has thoughts for you to prosper. O how kind is God that we may know Jesus as the King of Peace. You must believe that in and by Him you are blessed by God with all spiritual and everlasting blessings. What honor, what comfort, what promises, are there for those who love God.