Revival in Prison

The inmates, who were not, but chose to be happy, came to Jesus Christ worshipping Him, singing songs of praise. However guilty or polluted, by faith they stood their feet and freely received all the blessings and privileges graciously offered by God. Songs were sang from their heart before and after we shared the word which filled the prison.

Message Summary:

And it happened, as Jesus spoke to the crowd that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!” But Jesus said, “More than that, Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Today God wants me to tell that if you follow His ways, keep His word in your heart, love Him, serve Him, and lay down your life for Him, you will be accounted as more blessed than His precious mother who God had chosen to bare His Son. If you surrender to Jesus, He will come live in you by His Spirit and you will be filled with wisdom, joy, holiness, purity, and power. Your name will be written in heaven and you will be blessed as His son’s. God has got great things planned for each one of you.