At the 2012 Western Cape Sanlam Kay Motsepe schools Cup Provincial Finals, William was invited to share the Word of God with the players and spectators.
Message Summary:
As I watched the first game being played, I admired the great gift God has given each one of you to partake in such an amazing sport. This gift is to be treasured. But today I must tell you, that the devil wants to rob you from what God has given you. He is the thief the liar and the murderer. Every one of us in this stadium today must know this: Jesus loves you and is on your side! If you hold on to Jesus, the devil has no chance. If you live for Jesus, He will live for you. Your greatest calling is not to be the next David Beckham or Doctor Khumalo. Your greatest calling is to be the Sons and Daughters of the Living God.
Look up into heaven everyone: Do you see that sun shining in the sky? The same Jesus that created that sun, is the same powerful Jesus who wants to give you the power to be successful in your sport, in your studies, in your relationships, in your walk with God. Do not think for one moment that without the hand of God on your life, that you will make it. But with God all things are possible. Make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of your life and may you also speak these words of Apostle Paul one day: I have fought the good (worthy, honourable and noble) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith. (2Timothy 4:7)