What a beautiful experience with the children from Nzamo. Every single person present was deeply moved in their hearts as 1246 children stood to their feet inviting Jesus into their hearts shouting the Name of Jesus at the top of their voices. This continued for more than two minutes…”JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!” Childlike faith! The team handed out a packet of crisps and a sucker to every child. They were so grateful for this gift. It was really humbling.
Message Summary:
Psalm 23:6 says that God’s goodness, mercy, and His unfailing love will follow you all the days of your life, and through the length of your days the House of God and His presence shall be your dwelling place.” This is such an amazing promise. And do you know why God has promised Himself to you? The answer is because “You are Special”. Jesus loves you and wants to give you a good future. But this promise is NOT for the world! It is for His children. We become His children by inviting Jesus into our hearts.