Steilhoogte school and Klawer street outreach

O, how merciful and loving is God! The Klawer outreach was truly a day to be cherished forever. At Steilhoogte all the learners committed their lives to Jesus including of the teachers and other staff. We handed out Bibles to the learners and teachers.

After the school outreach we went onto the streets of Klawer sharing the Gospel and handing out Bibles. In total the Holy Spirit saved 16 people on the streets as they came to repentance. People were crying as they called out to Jesus. How wonderful to experience the love and grace of God.

Message Summary.

Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. For God so loved the world that He gave Jesus to die for us. If you cry out to Jesus today and repent your sins will be forgiven and you will be saved.