Strand Life Saving Club

On the 11th of February 2011, we were invited to minister to the youth of Orange Vine Ministries in the Strand. They gather every Friday evening at the life saving club on the Strand beach with youth from various denominations.

Again, The Mighty God we serve touched the youth as The Spirit of God moved among them. We heard of healing that took place. The youth are beautiful people, and they really love The Lord.

The message The Lord allowed William to share was that they who truly believe in His Holy Name in view of all the blessings they have in hand, and that what they are hoping for, should give them much reason to be triumphant, in what Jesus IS, HAS, and IS DOING for them. That they should not be conformed to this world, but by the Mercies of God, present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. That they should be transformed by the renewing of their minds and be set apart from the world.

“Jesus wants a holy Bride, without spot or rinkle. Submit to THE LORD, and Keep His commandments. God loves every one of you.” He said: adding that they need not make the mistakes he made as a young man, but should rather with all their strength, serve Jesus and flee to HIM while HE may still be found. And accept HIS Love and not that of the world.