Swellendam High School

William shared his testimony with the grade eights and twelves of Swellendam High. Once again we were so blessed having the honor of declaring the goodness of Jesus to the youth who God loves.

Message Summary:

Now that you have heard of all my mistakes, and of how easily one can be overcome by something that seems innocent, like trying to experiment with drugs, I urge you to not to cross that line. You see the devil is a liar. He will say things like, “C’mon, live a little!!!!!!!! it’s not that bad you know!!!!!!!!”  Don’t fall for that old lie. Jesus described his true character when He called him the father of lies.

How many of you love Jesus. Please put up your hands. (Many hands were raised) What a beautiful sight. You are truly blessed. Most of the youth accross the world have been programned for defeat. The media! The dirty websites! The ungodly music! The false doctrines! False religions! False hopes and dreams! Pressure of being everything else except what God intends for them to be. The time has come for you to rise up in the power of your God, whom you have just declared you love, and refuse to be part of this world and its lies which is passing away. God has great things planned for you. If you choose to follow Jesus, and make Him Lord of your life, I asure you today, based on the Word of God, you will never go down the road I have been. The All-powerful God of heaven and earth will give you the victory over all the strategies of satan.

He has promised that because you are His sons and daughters, that He will come and live within you. That means that their is a power within you that has never been defeated and can never be defeated. Yes, the same God who destroyed all the powers of hell, the same God that created the heavens, the same God that raises the dead, will dwell within you. When you fully grasp this truth, then rejoice young men and woman, because the devil doesn’t have a chance!  I want you to understand something, in this wicked world, don’t think for one moment that you can walk into the future without Jesus. Hold on to God and never let go. May the Lord whom you love, forever be your God.