This morning in prison the Holy Spirit demonstrated Christ’s divine character in mending hearts, forgiving sins, giving eternal life, and bringing hope to the hopeless. Tender was His regard to the believer and His compassion to the afflicted and destitute. Sovereign, free, and plenteous, was His mercy to all sorts of sinners, however guilty and miserable.
Message Summary:
With great earnestness ought we to call on Jesus in every distress. If you know who and what He is, you will know His voice from the others. He is ever ready to instruct and satisfy. The meek will He teach His way, that they go not astray. Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice and they follow Me.” You might feel that their is no hope between these walls, but I tell you there is hope in Christ beyond these walls, yes even beyond the grave! O what a change God’s almighty grace makes on the heart and life of the most atrocious sinner. Come to Jesus today for abundant grace, abundant love. With repentance, and deep humility surrender to Jesus.