The blessed Spirit, together with Father and Son restored souls in prison.

Life and death was offered to the prisoners who attended our outreach. Most chose life and declared God Almighty their Father. They chose to walk away from, and not obey the unrighteous demands of man’s sinful corruption. They committed to be under the strongest obligations to the good Spirit of God to live answerably to His holy dictates and influences.

Message Summary:

My brothers, let us not be under the direction, dominion, and influence of indwelling corruption. Let us not pursue, and delight in worldly, sensual, and sinful things. Rather, let us be under the dominion and influence of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts. Let us follow after, and delight in, those things which are of a spiritual and heavenly nature. For to have delight in worldly, sensual, and sinful objects, is in its own nature a spiritual death which issues in eternal death. But to have our mind frequently, employed about spiritual things, under the dominion of the Holy Ghost, it is in itself a spiritual life which fills the soul with inward peace, and comfort, and is the certain preparation for, everlasting life in the immediate enjoyment of God.