Greatly do the inmates of Paarderberg prison rejoice that they are now not only invited, but divinely drawn to God’s gospel church, with its divine and life-giving ordinances. God’s fearful judgements which was certainly to come upon these prisoners for their criminal and sinful conduct has now passed them by as they are now grounded and rooted in Christ. Thank you to Johan Groenewald from WOW ministries who has been committed for years in serving these men and in preparing the way for the Spirit of God to change lives.
Message Summary:
I had the privilege of attending a Christian mens camp over the weekend with my eleven year old son. Twenty three years ago while I was in prison the thought never came to mind that God would bless me in such a manner. Standing between thousands of men I looked my son in the eyes and said: “Samuel, I am not perfect. I have made mistakes. I’m sorry son. But know this, I love you, and will continue to do everything to be the dad you deserve. I love you and I am proud of you. You bless my heart and you make me happy. I love you Samuel.” Later that evening in the tent my son was looking at me and tears rolled down his cheeks. “Thank you for everything you do for me.” He said. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My friends you too will have the chance to look your sons in the eyes one day and they will see that you are a new man. You are following Christ and you are immovable in your new covenant state. You are established, guarded, and protected by God. His favor is upon your lives. The best days are ahead of you. Only believe.